“Metti, una sera a cena” – Al Michaels love ” Toscana”

“Metti, una sera a cena” – Al Michaels love ” Toscana”

“Metti una sera a Cena”
:  a quote as a tribute to Giuseppe Patroni Griffi‘s great movie, with such a brilliant cast: Trintignant, Bolkan, Musante, Girardot, Capolicchio  and the marvelous Ennio Morricone‘s soundTrack. But the “dinner” we are talking about is not the one of those long gone seventies, but the one nowadays, “Steak night in Al-merica” that Dan Patrick stages in his morning show, starring Al Michael, famous sportscaster,  as special guest, who celebrates his personal passion for Italian food in his favorite restaurant “Toscana” (pure coincidence?). Then an upcoming and unexpected guest in the menu’s “Vino”: Seeing is believing.

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